Monday, September 20, 2010

Assignment 2: Real Construction (Real Dome)

Week 7

Totally enjoyable 2 weeks holiday at last ended up hurrying up to finish our dome... now wad's left is the transportation to the swimming pool...
we wanted to do a test ourselves before the real test date on 22nd of sept.
so we seriously tried loads of method to haul that thing to the end of the university.. @@
so our first method: 
one of our members, shu ying, got 3 pairs of wheels from her dad at home and brought them here.. we tried ..
but alas, they were too small and they practically bend when they hit the road.. haiyx.....
before even getting out of the cafe the wheels couldn't work at all..

2nd method: THE PALM TREE LEAVES!!!! hahahhax.. those seriously worked..

but when we reached dewan budaya we were half dead so we couldn't go on any longer..
we sat down there and rested.. suddenly a taxi driver came and offered us a ride!!! ^^
how nice of him.. =p

and with that last method, we actually reached the swimming pool at last.. 
and we started to test our base..

it was a success but we decided to add another tyre coz it was unsecure..
so we do so by coming back the nex day where others were there to try too:

we tried the wheels again

we gave up with the wheels anyway.. so we added the tyre, and there it go:
and this is us:
ready for 2moro, and READY TO ROCK!!! ^^

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